Wagner-Smith Equipment Co.

1050 Series Leather Glove Protector 14″ One Finger Mitten

1050–Primary (High) Voltage Leather Protectors for Rubber Insulating Gloves. The 1050 series are protectors manufactured to meet current ASTM Standard Specification F-696. A nylon strap is standard.


  • Pattern: Gunn Cut Pattern with a Straight Thumb.
  • Material: Cowhide Leather, Cream Color.

The protector is marked with the Kunz Glove Company name, catalog number, O.A.L. and the hand size of the rubber glove they are designed to cover. Gloves are arc, puncture and cut resistant

  • Made in U.S.A. since 1900. 14″ O.A.L., Bell Cuff, 1 Finger Mitten.
Wagner-Smith Equipment Co.