

Wagner-Smith Equipment Co.

Chain Gin

Item Number: C400-0090 Category Search Terms , , Brand:

A versatile tool for hoisting distribution transformers and apparatus up the structure. The standard base unit is for mounting on clear pole sections. A wheel tightener and 36″ chain is a part of each unit. This model has a 2000 pound maximum rating, including hand pull force. With a single hoist line through a pulley on the gin and a sheave near the base of the structure, the lift load is 900 pounds (lift load plus the pull load equals the capacity). Using 4-4 blocks, the lift load can be 1,400 pounds. A swivel-hook block should always be used in the eye of the gin, and a sheave or a capstan near the bottom of the structure should be used to thread the handline through.

  • Gins are not intended for applications involving side pull on the hoist line, or with the lift load in a tagged out position.
  • That is, the load line should be parallel to the gin pole.
  • Pole length: 26 inches.
Item Number C400-0090 Category Product Tags , , Brand:

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Wagner-Smith Equipment Co.