

Wagner-Smith Equipment Co.

Universal Poles w/Head

Universal Poles are Tested per OSHA & ASTM F711. Designed for use as a hotstick handle for Universal Tools. Made with Epoxiglas® and lightweight aluminum castings. Splines allow angling the tool up to 90° depending on individual tool design. Universal Adapter M445584, may be added between the pole and tool to gain any angled desired. Storm Tool for Bad Weather. A Universal Pole with special rubber insulator skirts, designed for emergency use. Provides extra leakage distance and disrupts water paths.

  • Skirts break up water streams that would otherwise run-down pole.
  • Universal Fittings for Spliced Poles.
  • Universal fittings are threaded for use on Epoxiglas® poles with Rigid Splices.
  • Blank Poles available.

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Wagner-Smith Equipment Co.