Apollo Cable Lasher is perfect for all telcom cable construction, including Coaxial and FTTx cable. With its light weight and parallel-pull capability, you’ll string cable quickly and easily, over all outside plant cable routes. The Apollo is lightweight, easy-to-handle and simple to operate and maintain. The newest addition to GMP’s line of proven lashers, Apollo has all of the versatility and performance features you need to easily handle today’s broadband lashing applications, solving all of the problems associated with pulling parallel to the strand and through densely crowded cable routes.
GMP engineers designed Apollo using computer-aided design and finite element analysis to achieve its high degree of durability without any excess weight. Then, GMP employed the very latest in high-speed CNC machining to make every part fit and perform exactly as designed. Like all our lashers, Apollo is built to last. No other lasher or cable spinner will give you all of these advanced features and operating benefits: Lashes any telcom cable/innerduct combination up to 4 in. diameter. Parallel-pull capability overcomes all terrain obstacles. Interference-free over-lashing with no modifications. Positive slip-free gear drive (no belts) tested in excess of 1 million cycles.